The 8-Week Gluten-free Challenge on DailyOm.com
In this 8-week course, I share my best recipes and step-by-step strategies to release gluten and detox slowly over time. Each week, you'll experience guided meditations directly related to going gluten-free, clearing your mind, and increasing your intuition.
Taking this course, you will able to:
Recreate your favorite recipes with satisfying alternative ingredients
Lose weight, reduce swelling, and ease digestion without depravation
Shop at local grocery stores and be prepared for social eating
Detox your body of gluten slowly over time
Start to build your gluten-free pantry and buy the best brand snacks
Discover your favorite recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert, and snacks
Learn Breakfast and Dessert Phase I, II, II Recipes and when to eat them
Clear the chakras, and strengthen the mind/gut connection
Increase your intuition
Set Yourself Free from Sugar: Recipes for Life
In this 8-week online course, I share my taste tested sugar-free recipes, which are based on a combination of sugar-free/gluten-free baking, plus vegan, raw vegan, and Paleo cooking techniques. I will guide you step-by-step as you learn the foundations of my 11-year strong sugar-free food practice. We're going to pinpoint your "can't live without" foods, and recreate them with sugar-free ingredients that blend for the best taste. You'll experience guided meditations directly related to healing sugar addiction, and fulfilling your desires. Throughout the course, you'll treat your safe kitchen as a learning lab, and be able to navigate the external food world as you conquer sugar and claim your best self yet.
Taking this course, you will able to:
Identify your food cravings and satisfy them with new sugar-free recipes
Recreate your favorite recipes with alternative ingredients you'll love
Release compulsive eating patterns,
lose weight, and detox naturally and over time
Shop at local grocery stores and be prepared for dining out
Buy the right snacks and ingredients for your sugar-free pantry
Make sugar-free recipes for life: breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert,
Learn the best recipes for snacks, holidays and celebrations
Clear negative thought and behavior patterns of addiction
Develop your psychic intuition and manifest your desires
Register on DailyOm.com
Hi, I'm Kelly, a recovered sugar and flour addict, and like many of you, it took a health issue for me to go gluten-free.
At age 41, much of my hair had fallen out because of compulsive overeating, stress, and sensitivity to gluten.
I wasn't digesting my food properly because the gluten interfered with the absorption of my nutrients.
Being a food addict and having to go gluten-free in order to heal myself was a huge life challenge.
I still wanted to eat delicious food, and yet, that's where I found my ultimate success.
I cooked my way to health by putting emphasis on naturally gluten-free foods like protein, vegetables, fruits, nuts, and seeds.
Then I added alternative gluten-free ingredients and recreated my favorite foods, especially chocolatey desserts.
For the first time, I lost weight. I've kept it off for the past 11 years, all without denying myself.
I also don't suffer any more from the negative affects of gluten.
That's what I want for you.
What People Are Saying
"I'm excited about the magic muffins and am willing to help you get the word out. I shared the muffins with my father, who's 82 and doesn't like "health foods," and he likes them. I also shared one with his friend, also 82 with similar health problems as my father's, and he really likes them to. He even asked me for the recipe (I told him I would make them for him). I'm so glad to share them with older adults. I think the muffins are great for older adults since they are so nutrient dense. Also, I've lost 7 pounds since eating the muffins and can't wait for your master food class. I'm hoping it will help me to lose the 30 more pounds I need to shed. Have a great day and keep on sharing your talents. I'm also interested in your fifth-dimensional classes. I've been a big fan of yours for some time. Thanks for all you do."
Barbara Mundis
York, PA
"Kelly has thought of absolutely everything!!! It's all spelled out in the "If you crave that, eat this section." I have had medical issues, a compromised immune system, etc. and Kelly's recipes have been a lifesaver... literally! Sugar in particular causes me awful heartburn, exhaustion, bone and joint aches, etc. Now that I have the opportunity to eat so many outrageously delicious foods I NEVER feel deprived. I get so much enjoyment from too many of Kelly's recipes. My sister suffers from allergies and had to totally remove gluten and sugar from her diet. Since changing her eating habits to gluten free/sugar free she has gone from a size 8 to a size 2 in a matter of 3 months. She looks and feels like a new woman. My kids eat all the recipes and beg for more of the mock mashed potatoes, smart cookies, and hemp brownies. These were kids who only ate kid friendly foods, and now have learned the difference and know how unfriendly they really were. As with anything it takes a bit of time and planning, but what a worthwhile difference. I have staples on hand, like Kelly's Mermaid salad and blueberry breakfast bread at all times and never tire of them. Trying is Buying Into an amazing concept and lifestyle! The perfect balance that is not too extreme. Kelly has even answered phone calls during the recipe making process to offer additional expertise. Unheard of right??? Thank you Kelly for being a pioneer and helping so many in need!"
Jamie Schiavo
"Wow - I love the videos on Youtube. I sat and watched the peanut butter cookie one and that sounds delicious. I've lost 11lbs since 04/06 and so I am not able to make cookies at the moment, but when I'm off of my cleanse/diet, this sounds wonderful. I love that the vids are short and to the point."
Susan Wolak

Have your cake and eat it too, everyday!
Make my recipe for sugar/gluten/dairy/flour-FREE chocolate cake, and love yourself!
Click here to download the free RECIPE.
And join my email list below.